Migrating using @@migrate_to_volto not working reliably, broken events, news items and folderish pages

Migrating from folders to folderish pages using /@@migrate_to_volto does not work reliably for me.

When I visit a migrated folder (now a folderish page), I get the following output

We apologize for the inconvenience, but the page you were trying to access is not 

at this address. You can use the links below to help you find what you are looking for.

I'm also having issues with events, when I visit an event that was migrated (even as an admin) I get:

# Unauthorized

### You are not authorized to access this resource.

You are trying to access a protected resource, please [log in](http://localhost:3000/events/advanced-business-law/login) first.

Can you access the FolderishPage in the backend?
I once had the issue that during the migration to Volto (from Plone 4) I had to restart the instance and rebuild the catalog before migrating to Volto.

Interesting... after a restart (done AFTER the migration), some of the objects are now working :man_shrugging: .Could that be a matter of reindexing?

Try doing the catalog rebuild before the migration to Volto.
It is also documented: collective.exportimport · PyPI

Thanks @pbauer
I like the way that collective.exportimport reuses the migrate_richtext_to_blocks code from migrate_to_volto :fire:.. simple and effective.

I see where the catalog rebuild is done (taking notes :spiral_notepad: )

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