Migrate from 32-bit Zope TTW to 64-bit Zope/Plone

We're running our website on Zope 2.10.6 final.
Looking at the directory structure, I'm fairly certain it was actually installed using the Plone installer (3.3 I think), but we don't use a Plone site. Our application was developed using the old Zope "Through The Web" (TTW) interface.

We would like to upgrade our underpinnings to 64-bit. This is our main requirement.
Other requirements:

  • ZEIngresDA
  • SAML 2 authentication
    Nice to haves:
  • Python >= 2.6 < 3

I am a recently added resource who is getting a crash course in Zope/Plone.

I've gotten some advice about SAML 2, but so far none of it is panning out, unfortunately. Our Linux does not support the Apache SAML module, so I'm trying to get to a newer Zope in order to get dm.zope.saml2 to install nicely.

I've installed Plone 5.1.7 and found all the pinned versions of the "Products" in use in our existing site which are still in existence which are correct for Plone 5.1. I'm not concerned about any that no longer exist except for ZEIngresDA, and possibly ZCGI.

(BTW, prior to using the Plone Universal Installer, I did try to manually download Zope 2.13.x and install it, but could not get the buildout version to build, nor the virtualenv version to run after installation.)

Is there a guide somewhere dedicated to migrating web apps developed using the old Zope TTW interface?

Copy the storage file and check if something breaks (you should have a good chance that most parts will still work).

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