Meaning and compatibility of name spaces* and z3c.*

Can anybody explain me where both the* and the z3c.* name spaces originated from? I have a feeling that those are related to Zope 3?

Are packages from these name spaces compatible with current Zope 2/4/5?

For one of my apps (currently Zope 2, but soonish Zope 4) I want to replace some forked code with ( and z3c.rml (

Thank you!

jugmac00 via Plone Community wrote at 2019-9-23 06:45 +0000:

Can anybody explain me where both the* and the z3c.* name spaces originated from? I have a feeling that those are related to Zope 3?

"" has been the application layer of the Zope 3 web application
framework. "z3c" designates a community developing components
based on the Zope component architecture (which was identified for
some time with Zope 3; later Zope 3 was (mentally) split into
an application framework and general infrastructure (called Zope toolkit)).

Are packages from these name spaces compatible with current Zope 2/4/5?

As far as I know, the Zope 3 web application framework is no longer
maintained. Some packages may have been made compatible with new Zope
versions - because they are still actively used - but others likely have not.

The same likely applies as well to "z3c" packages: important ones
have been made compatible (e.g. "z3c.form") but there might still
be some parts not yet updated.

Thank you very much for the travel back in Zope's history. Makes a lot more sense now!

I created a ticket in both repositories to ask about the package' compatibility: