Hi @tkimnguyen ,
I am still waiting for MEAN stack project so please if there is any project related to MEAN stack is going to be released then tag me or share the link with me. I am very much excited to contribute .
"The MEAN stack is MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS (or Angular), and Node.js"
Unless I'm mistaken, you're in the wrong project...
@tkimnguyen There is no projects related to Node.js , MongoDB, Angular and Express ?
Plone uses Angular. See https://training.plone.org/5/angular/index.html
Plone uses node for theming. See https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site%3Atraining.plone.org+node&t=osx&ia=web
But we don't use MongoDB nor Express.
We do not have mongodb projects but we do have a React one, which if you know angular can easily switch:
https://github.com/plone/volto Give it a try.
The MEAN stack is pretty far away from what Plone currently uses. We definitely do not use MongoDB, Express.js, or Node. There is an Angular SDK but that's it.
If you are interested in Angular you might want to look into @ebrehault Angular CMS proposal.
Sorry for the late reply was little bit busy but yeah sure , I would love to work on angular @tisto. Let me know if there is any update on that project .