Listings show with tabular_view but not summary_view

Looking for clues. What might cause this?
On a Plone server (Plone 6, classic UI) that I manage when a member (non-admin) views a folder the contents of that folder don't show up when viewed using the following views:

  • summary_view
  • listing_view

On the other hand, items contained in the same folder are visible when viewed using the following views:

  • tabular_view
  • full_view

It seems that summary_view and listing_view call or "wake" things that tabular_view doesn't.
I need to check if there is something overriding some of our views.

Disable all Ignored exception types in the ZMI error_log

  • Unauthorized
  • NotFound
  • Redirect
  • Intercepted

then you see more infos in the client.log/instance.log

.. I did that but nothing too unusual is showing up.
Is it enough to look at /error_log/manage?

If not, I'll need to find the simplest way to get to client.log on my dockerised setup.

docker logs --follow yourcontainer

:+1: thanks
will adjust for docker compose.

David Bain (Will Theme Plone Sites) via Plone Community wrote at 2023-6-8 13:34 +0000:

.. I did that but nothing too unusual is showing up.
Is it enough to look at /error_log/manage?

Note that you usually have error_log objects at different
levels in the object hierarchy (e.g. one in the Zope root
and one in your Plone site).

Which error_log object gets the information depends
at the level at which the error has been detected:
when the error is detected, the error handling looks towards
the Zope root and informs the first error_log it detects.

If not, I'll need to find the simplest way to get to client.log on my dockerised setup.

Note that the (usual) exception logging is handled by the error_log objects.
Thus, your log file will likely not contain exception log records
when none of your error_log objects reports exceptions.

Thanks for this @dieter

A guess: Check if the items are in the effective date range, i.e effective_date < now < expiration_date.