Module dynamore.policy.browser.folder, line 32, in all_entries
Module plone.registry.registry, line 82, in forInterface
KeyError: 'Interface `Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.controlpanel.INavigationSchema` defines a field `generate_tabs`, for which there is no record.'
However the configuration registry clearly shows an entry for plone.generate_tabs for INavigationSchema.
Create a registry entry plone.generate_tabs. This should be present though. I thought about preventing this error from happening by just creating a registy entry for a field that is not known. Though, this would hide a problem somewhere else, so in the end we decided against it...
Sorry, I don't get the point. The entry is already visible within the configuration registry and I could update the value of this option through the control panel. What else is need here? So the key is obviously definied through some profile, it exists....what else?