Join the Plone Tune-Up Day on December 15th 2023

Every third Friday of the month - join online to work together on Plone features and issues, or just hanging out or discussing the future of Plone.

Programming, documentation, marketing, infrastructure, learning Plone, content creation, discussions - all can be done during the day, whenever it suits you in your specific time zone.

Cannot spare a day or very busy? Then work just an hour, or stop by online to say hi to other community members. All help is appreciated and we hope this will also be and turn into a recurring social event.

Check the event page:

And more details on the Tune-Up Day document and add your name to the list.

NOTICE: the timezone in is set to -3 UTC and the event takes place during Friday in Europe/Americas. So if you join from far west or east, please notice that most activity online is around that time.

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don't we have an ical export of an event anymore or is it just not enabled?