Issue with Path Identifiers and Multiple Websites in Plone 6

When creating new websites through the Plone 6 backend, I am asked to provide a path identifier (e.g., plone1, plone2, etc.). However, in the frontend terminal, only the first site (e.g., plone1) is shown as running, while the others (e.g., plone2, plone3, etc.) do not appear to be active.

I have tried creating multiple websites with different path identifiers (e.g., plone1, plone2, plone3), but only the first website appears in the terminal output, and it is the only one showing up in the frontend. The others are not being served or displayed in the Volto frontend, even though they have been created in the backend.

Steps Taken:

  1. Created multiple websites with different path identifiers (plone1, plone2, etc.) in the Plone 6 backend.

  2. Checked the frontend terminal, where only the first website (plone1) is displayed as running.

  3. Tried accessing other websites (e.g., plone2, plone3), but they do not show up in the Volto frontend.

Expected Behavior:
All websites with unique path identifiers (e.g., plone1, plone2, plone3) should be visible and accessible in the frontend, with their respective frontends (Volto) running.


  1. Why is only the first site (e.g., plone1) being displayed in the terminal and frontend?

  2. How can I ensure that all websites with different path identifiers (e.g., plone2, plone3, etc.) are properly served and displayed in the frontend?

  3. Is there a configuration step or process that I might be missing to make all the websites accessible from the frontend?


• Plone 6
• Volto (Frontend)

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Read razzle path part specifically.

I dont think it is supported to switch a backend on the fly. At least, i haven't come across it in the docs.

The Volto front end, as configured in these builds, assumes that the backend site has the ID Plone. It can be changed but I believe if you want to have multiple back end sites accessible through Volto you must run a different front end for each.

so do I have to create another frontend file for each new backend

I think you have to set up a whole front end and process for each. I could be wrong…

See Recommended setup for multiple sites.

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