Issue install Plone 6


I'm trying to install Plone 6 using: Install Plone from its packages – Install — Plone Documentation v6.0

I get this error:

You've downloaded /home/rileygirl/.cookiecutters/cookiecutter-plone-starter before. Is it okay to delete and re-download it? [yes]: n

Do you want to re-use the existing version? [yes]: y

Unable to load extension: No module named html.entities (me: what does this mean?)

Look up html entities: " An HTML entity is a piece of text ("string") that begins with an ampersand ( & ) and ends with a semicolon ( ; ). Entities are frequently used to display reserved characters (which would otherwise be interpreted as HTML code), and invisible characters (like non-breaking spaces)."

i have no idea if the error is in the plone code or something on my server.

thanks for any pointers.

Apparently, you chose n to the question above; the documentation suggests to accept the defaults (which would mean y for the question above).

html.entities is a module in the Python library, i.e. it comes with the Python installation.
Are you sure you are using a modern Python installation?
An alternative failure cause could be the existence of an (or other module/package html) hiding Python's html package.

Hello, thanks for the reply.

i went through all the steps again and accepted "Y"
i also checked on version of python installed
used the $ sudo find / -name html.entities And just: find html.entities (both came up empty)
i added the python 3.9.16 to PATH

any other thoughts

Wayne Glover via Plone Community wrote at 2023-5-7 07:25 +0000:

i also checked on version of python installed
used the $ sudo find / -name html.entities And just: find html.entities (both came up empty)

Python's html.entities lives in:
For me, this is e.g.

To find out whether you have module html hiding Python's standard one,
you can try:

from sys import path; path.insert(0, ".")
import html

If you have a hiding html, the last line will not point to
a Python installation.
In my case (above), it would not point into .../lib/python3.9.

In addition to this, I would suggest doing a clean install of Python 3.10 using pyenv. It's a super helpful tool to manage multiple versions of Python on your system. I use it to test packages across multiple Python versions.

thanks all.
I agree starting over is the best.
I've found someone I hope can help me. I'm out of my league and I've leaned on the generous help of this group enough. :slight_smile: