Hello there,
I have been using Plone 6 and mainly its frontend Volto and something caught my eye , while using the Slate editor for adding a blog I use MOD+S (ctrl+s for me, a windows user) for adding a Strikethrough style but many times when the focus is not there pressing ctrl+s open page save dialog (as this is its default behavior in chrome ...dunno about other browsers) which is a BIT annoying.
MHO ctrl+d might be the better choice and maybe changing this shortcut may not be good for some who are habitual to it but considering Plone 6 has been released now I want to here some people's thoughts on it.
In my knowledge, this may not fail since we only need this if (isHotkey(shortcut, event)){ to return true for ctrl+d and not for ctrl+s and since we are using is-hotkey package, it will do so. love to hear ur feedback
Also, I saw an Issue earlier about Editor's ALL CAPS font-style feels like it's shouting. perhaps its a good time to fix that too. Thanks!