Is there any capability for online editing in Plone


I want to know is it possible to edit documents (word an excel document) online in Plone? I mean, is there any online editor, like the editor in Google Docs for Plone?


Nothing that would be called working or production-ready.


There is an online editor for richtext (tinymce) and there are plugins that allow export as docx. But probably not with the kind of features you are looking for. You might have to be more specific or explore the plugins available yourself.

Thanks for your reply.

I'm going to use Plone as a repository for files in an educational institute. Many files will not be changed after saving, but we need to edit some files very regularly. As I know, we have to download the file, edit it, and upload it. The process is not so easy,
I tried using webdav (using NetDrive, and other webdav clients), but it seems that webdav has some problems that make it difficult for regular use.

I thought if is it possible to edit documents (word and excel docs) online in Plone, but as you said, it seems that there is no way to do that.

I haven't tried Zope External Editor, is it a mature and reliable product?

I will be thankful if you have any suggestions for the problem.

It used to be stable and reliable when I used it years ago. (We used it in our company to develop Python code and PageTemplates in the ZODB trough the web.) But this was in Zope 2.7 on Mac OS X around version 10.6.
So you have to try it yourself if is still usable.