Introducing myself as a GSoC applicaant

Hello, Everyone.
Hope you're all doing great!

I am Kuvam Bhardwaj.

18 years old, I've been learning Full-Stack Development with JavaScript for the past 2 years doing
Internships & some freelancing gigs on the side,

Tech Stack that I'm comfortable with: JS / TS, React, Python, Node, MongoDB & MySQL

Github - kuvamdazeus

Being a newbie to the world of open-source, I hope to bring valuable contributions :blush:

Hey @kuvamdazeus

Welcome to the world of Open-Source.
Welcome to the Plone Community.

Here are tips to start your journey in Plone

Start with the Training Documentation which is the documentation giving a clear idea of what is Plone and its functionality, and you can sign the Agreement in order to start your contribution journey towards Plone Foundation

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