Installation help for Windows Server 2012


I've been trying to get Plone up and running on a Windows Server 2012 machine and keep running into issues. I have tried three different install methods without success

  1. creating an EXE based on the files provided with the WinPloneInstaller
    a. install python 2.7.9 (added to path = y)
    b. check for PIP (yes)
    c. pip install pyinstaller (OK)
    d. pip install pillow (OK)
    e. check for pywin32 (yes)
    f. check for python-tk (tkinter, yes)
    g. run build.ps1 in powershell (OK)
    e. run resulting executable: this goes through and runs many scripts before saying that it is done and Plone is installed and a desktop icon has been created; however there is no icon and no instance; no bin folder. No additional folders are created in the install folder.

  2. Run WinPloneInstaller.exe from the same collection as above (downloaded file, rather than built) = same result as above

  3. Simple buildout
    a. uninstall/reinstall python 2.7
    b. check for GIT (yes)
    c. pip install virtualenv (OK)
    d. git clone (OK)
    e. copy profiles\buildout.cfg.tmpl buildout.cfg (OK)
    f. pip install -r requirements.txt (OK, zc.buildout, setuptools installed)
    g. env\scripts\buildout (ran into numerous "X not installed" errors; each time I used pip to install the dependency and re-ran the buildout.)
    h. Congratulations! Plone is installed and a desktop icon has been created (Desktop icon is there, folders have been added for bin, eggs, etc, but they are all empty and there is still no instance created)

Looking for tips on where to look for what is going wrong. Since I got closest with the simple buildout I will start troubleshooting there.

I have never used this thing myself, but I'd think you should have replaced testing by local in buildout.cfg. If you want to actually run a server, that is. Testing seems to well, just allow to run tests.
If after edited buildout.cfg and restarted buildout there is no significant progress, you could post the content of buildout.log
For any log posting, don't use a screenshot as people tend to not like it, and use three backticks like this ``` at the beginning of the line preceding the pasted log and another three backticks at the end else the output will look awfully scrambled.

I changed the buildout.cfg file to local. Below are the errors I am getting. When I try to install the plone recipe manually, i get the following, followed by an "installed .. successful" message:

products-mailhost 4.0 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a5, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
products-btreefolder2 4.0.0 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a5, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
products-pythonscripts 4.1 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a1, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
products-zcatalog 4.1 has requirement AccessControl>=4.0a4, but you'll have accesscontrol 3.0.14 which is incompatible.
products-zcatalog 4.1 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a5, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
products-externalmethod 4.0 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a1, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
products-sessions 4.0 has requirement Zope2>=4.0.dev0, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
zope 4.0b3 has requirement AccessControl>=4.0a8.dev0, but you'll have accesscontrol 3.0.14 which is incompatible.
products-standardcachemanagers 4.0.1 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a5, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.

When I continue with running the buildout, I got this:

An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
recipe being used:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages\zc\buildout\", line 2123, in main
    getattr(buildout, command)(args)
  File "c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages\zc\buildout\", line 680, in install
    [self[part]['recipe'] for part in install_parts]
  File "c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages\zc\buildout\", line 1274, in __getitem
  File "c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages\zc\buildout\", line 1382, in _initiali
  File "c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages\zc\buildout\", line 1388, in initializ
    recipe_class = _install_and_load(reqs, 'zc.buildout', entry, buildout)
  File "c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages\zc\buildout\", line 1343, in _install_
    req.project_name, group, entry)
  File "c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 561, in load_ent
    return get_distribution(dist).load_entry_point(group, name)
  File "c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 2631, in load_en
    return ep.load()
  File "c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 2290, in load
    self.require(*args, **kwargs)
  File "c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 2307, in require

    items = working_set.resolve(reqs, env, installer)
  File "c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 854, in resolve
    raise VersionConflict(dist, req).with_context(dependent_req)
ContextualVersionConflict: (Zope2 2.13.27 (c:\users\mlukowski\simple-plone-buildout\env\lib\site-packages), Requirement.
parse('Zope2>=4.0a5'), set(['Products.ZCatalog', 'Products.StandardCacheManagers', 'Products.MailHost', 'Products.BTreeF

I have no idea of what you could have done here.
You should not try to add stuff by hand. Follow the instructions, that's the one way.

It seems your config is seriously hosed. I suggest you delete your simple buildout directory and clone it again.

I tested default config (testing) under Ubuntu 16 and it is working fine after all, so just copy the buildout file into the main directory and run buildout straight away.

I think you might be reading a lot into this.
from base.cfg file:

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance

The install chokes here. so when it returned to the command line, I simply entered

 env\Scripts\pip install plone.recipe.zope2instance

which results in

products-mailhost 4.0 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a5, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
products-btreefolder2 4.0.0 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a5, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
products-pythonscripts 4.1 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a1, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
products-zcatalog 4.1 has requirement AccessControl>=4.0a4, but you'll have accesscontrol 3.0.14 which is incompatible.
products-zcatalog 4.1 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a5, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
products-externalmethod 4.0 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a1, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
products-sessions 4.0 has requirement Zope2>=4.0.dev0, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.
zope 4.0b3 has requirement AccessControl>=4.0a8.dev0, but you'll have accesscontrol 3.0.14 which is incompatible.
products-standardcachemanagers 4.0.1 has requirement Zope2>=4.0a5, but you'll have zope2 2.13.27 which is incompatible.

but says that it has been installed.

I've also made the decision based on install issues that I'm not moving forward with a plone deployment. There are a number of other options I can use.

that's your choice. As it is if I was asked to setup a Plone install on a Windows server I'd never even consider anything else than to setup a Linux VM and use Ansible Plone to manage it from Windows.