In Volto can I set a default layout on already existing content?

In Volto can I set a default layout on already existing content?

I like that I can configure the default layout for a content type in Volto by going to:
Site Setup > Content Types > My Content Type (under the '...' menu) > Layout

After this, new content will inherit the newly defined layout.
...but, what happens if my content has been created already? Can I have the old content inherit the newly defined layout?

There's a good explanation of the layout editor in this video from 2021 (updated to link to the right timestamp):

Following up on my own question from March... I had shelved this in favour of addressing some other issues. So now I was coming back to sort this out, so decided to do a quick google on how to get this done.
This page was the top search result :sob:

I literally forgot that I had asked the question!

:man_shrugging: It seems that I'll have to do this in the backend by customising a behavior.