In Classic portlet, <script> tag content get escaped chars

found weird behavior in classic portlet parsing in Plone5 (tested in 5.2.9 and 5.2.7). Plone4 and Plone6 are safe from this.

To reproduce just add a classic portlet within the code:

<div metal:define-macro="portlet">
<p>Here follows the script</p>
        <script type="text/javascript">
               if ( 4<5 ) {alert('ciao');}

You'll see that in the rendered portlet the < char get escaped in entity &lt. The same for > and &. It's not even useful using //<![CDATA[ ... //]]> enclosure because the first < get escaped as well.

The resulting html is something like:

<div class="portletWrapper" id="[...]">
<p>Here follows the script</p>
        <script type="text/javascript">
               if ( 4&lt;5 ){ alert('ciao'); }

The workaround is to load the js via src attribute, but I wonder if there is a way to avoid this.
