Image Captions from Plone 5.1

@mauritsvanrees @uroboro
Also sorry from my side about the late canceling of this PR. I'll close it then but keep the branch for mockup alive.

Additions to @mauritsvanrees outline above:

Yes, use plone.outputfilters master branch. (Typo: was plone.staticresources before)

Regarding the CMFPlone branch - this should not be needed. A registry entry like the following should be sufficient, as plone.outputfilters doesn't query the registry by interface but just by name (See: ):

  <record name="plone.image_captioning">

For the mockup changes - you could try to install plone.staticresources in Plone 5.1. It might fail but there are chances that it works. (I'm currently testing this and will let you know).
Update: no it doesn't. plone.staticresources has conflicting configuration options with Products.CMFPlone.

If not, let your project depend on the branch of mockup you're using and provide a custom plone-logged-in bundle. I do this for another project like so:

Provide a resource directory like so:


A custom bundle resource with all the requirejs definitions you want to include:

    <value key="js"></value>
    <value key="css">

A custom plone-logged-in bundle:

  <records prefix="plone.bundles/plone-logged-in" interface="Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.IBundleRegistry">
    <value key="last_compilation">2020-06-01 20:16:00</value>
    <value key="jscompilation"></value>
    <value key="csscompilation"></value>
    <value key="develop_javascript">False</value>
    <value key="develop_css">False</value>
    <value key="merge_with">logged-in</value>
    <value key="depends">plone</value>
    <value key="resources">
    <value key="enabled">True</value>
    <value key="expression">python: member is not None</value>
    <value key="stub_js_modules">

Then you can run ./plone-compile-resources -b plone-logged-in and your bundle will be written to the directory which was defined for

Note: you have to create the files for and even if they are empty otherwise plone-compile-resources will fail.