Identifying gaps in Volto vs Classic UI

In Classic UI or Volto? There may be features that exist in Classic UI that have not been fully implemented in Volto. Time zones in event content types is just one such thing.

with Volto

Can you do what you want via Classic UI?

Not if we want to deploy Volto ... I'm trying to promote Volto (it has great functionality), not the past :wink:

But seriously, I'm asking for a stable set of versions I can deploy that will give the client a nice Volto site that doesn't have bugs in commonly used functionality.

My point is to compare the frontends, identifying what needs to be done in Volto that can be done in Classic UI, then create an issue that documents the differences so that the bug can be fixed. You can't promote a feature in Volto that does not exist.

I split this off from my original post because while I'm interested in improving Volto I've got a more immediate need, which is to deploy Volto in a way that encourages the client to want to use it, like... today.

Rich text, transformations and using different content types like markdown in a field (as implemented in are very useful features of Plone (Classic UI).

Due to a bug on the conceptional plone.restapi design level that causes a mismatch between data and content-type those features cannot be used neither via plone.restapi nor in Volto (because Volto relies on the restapi).

Honestly I think best way to think of volto is not as an out of the box experience but a toolkit to create a good UX. So you might be better off showing the editing experience of what others have done with it

We have a demo you can log into - Free Trial | NSW Digital Design System v3 Plone 6. is another example (that tried to be out of the box and failed). I'm sure others have demo servers they can contribute?

I've honestly stopped creating UX bug tickets for volto for the first time user experience. There isn't much point.
And I want to be perfectly clear this is no ones fault. The incentives are just set wrong.
There are DX (developer experience) bugs, CX (existing client bugs) and UX (new user bugs).

  • DX bugs cost me time and money and if i put them forward they will get attention and guidance on a solution.
  • CX bugs I can sometimes get money to fix from clients since it's stopping them doing their work. But many times there is a work around which you can train them on and so it's not worth getting money to fix it. Or it's much cheaper to fix it in a local shadow or plugin that spend months having a PR left abandoned.
  • UX bugs. Well these don't affect us (developers) and they don't affect existing clients so who will pay for them? Often no one actually uses plone before they buy, or at least that's normal in the tendering process we engage in (does seem to be changing though).
  • On top of this, how do you triage or prioritise a UX bug? Almost no one in the community actually edits content and if they do they aren't new users. It's very hard to see things from the persepective of a new user. So those tickets just get left or argued over with plenty of opinions but no deciding vote (other than "it's too hard, lefts ignore it").

And it's not like people aren't trying. We have quanta design for many years. it solves many UX problems. Bugs like DND between containers exist for many years with everyone aware it's a problem. Yet monorepos, reusable components and other breaking rewrites that fix DX problems get the focus. Because it scratches a developers own itch.

I'm sorry for the negativity. But the only solution is to reset your expectations and think of Volto as a toolkit not a good UX out of the box. and one you currently have to put a reasonable amount of work into. However once you do, you get a UX that's fantastic. Sell new clients this story.

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