How to remove "You have accessed the Plone backend through its Classic UI frontend" warning?

I installed Plone using GitHub - collective/cookiecutter-plone-starter: Cookiecutter Plone Starter is a framework for jumpstarting Plone 6 projects quickly. a while ago, then upgraded it to 6.0.12 by updating the constraints.txt.

I created a classic site, which now shows this alert on every page:

"You have accessed the Plone backend through its Classic UI frontend"

What's the easiest way to remove this?

I have looked in several places, including the control panels. I've tried to edit the root of the site but nothing obvious stands out to disable this warning. I've searched through the forum and the documentation.

Ah, it looks like that site was NOT a classic site. OK, nevermind :slight_smile: though obviously I did not grasp that from the warning...

Indeed, this viewlet is only shown for the browser layer that is activated when plone.volto is installed: plone.volto/src/plone/volto/browser/configure.zcml at main · plone/plone.volto · GitHub

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I understand that any content you create on such a site will not be viewable through Volto, but if you never have the intention of setting up and using Volto, is there a problem continuing to use the site via the classic UI?

You probably can, but it's not really supported. By which I mean, those of us working on plone.volto are not putting any effort into making sure that it works well if you're not accessing it via the Volto frontend. I do use the Classic UI occasionally to do things which aren't fully supported yet in Volto. But if you're going to always use the site via the classic UI, I would recommend creating a site without plone.volto installed. One significant difference I'm thinking about is that plone.volto disables the Folder content type, since Volto uses folderish pages instead.

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