How to integrate debugpy

I am experimenting with the attachable Python debugger of VSCode. In principle you write something like this at the beginning of your code:

import debugpy

Then the debugger initializes, listens and waits on port 8260 until VSCode has connected to it. Then it stops at the breakpoint and you can debug your program through a SSH tunnel remotely.

Now I want to make it work with Plone. Say I have installed a zope2instance named client1. Where do I put that code now? I never dug so deep down to the starting process of an instance. Depending on which command I use (fg, console, debug, start, run) different things happen, sometimes processes were forked, sometimes the current process is replaced and sometimes a subprocess is going to be started. And codes and scripts were compiled at runtime and then executed.
I really wish there was a command like client1 debugpy 8260 which starts client1 in console mode and runs the few lines I mentioned before. That would be a nice extension for the zope2instance recipe.
However since there is no such command, how could I simulate that behaviour? Can I create a script which initializes debugpy and starts Plone normally, and then I run this script with client1 run <script>? If yes, how has this script to look like? I know how to write scripts which runs catalog updates or makes a quickinstall on every available Plone site but how can I start the service like fg or console does it?

Thank you!

I think I found the solution by myself:

from Zope2.Startup.serve import main
import sys

import debugpy

    argv=[sys.argv[0], '/home/ngoeddel/plone/zeocluster/parts/client1/etc/wsgi.ini']

If I now run client1 run then after a few seconds I am able to connect to the remote debugger from within VSCode. After the click on the run button I then can set breaktpoints where I want, examine the global and local environments and step through my code. That's nice!