How to get French-Canadian into my Plone 4.3 site?

There don't seem to be any region-specific 'languages' in the language selector. We're likely to have Portuguese-Portugal and Portuguese-Brazilian as well. Happy to do (or maybe buy) a bit of technical stuff. Thanks.

That would be awesome! A good starting point is

Do you mean doing the actual translation, or do you mean enabling it for the site?

If it is the last, go to /portal_languages in the ZMI.

Thanks, Kim. We have to migrate the site to 5, then we'll see what we can contribute to the core translations.

Oh yes that was the question: pretty sure I and my colleague have stared at that interface without seeing the 'Allow combined language codes like de_DE or en_UK' tick-box. Doh. Thanks.


I'm glad to see another Canadian around here :slight_smile: