How to get all spell checks done, on volto using "docs-vale"?

i tried running "make docs-vale" and "make vale" after installing vale on my local system. "vale --help" is working. After running "make docs-vale" which is mentioned in Makefile it should Run Vale style, grammar, and spell checks but it is giving simple error which is like

E100 [loadStyles] Runtime error

style 'Microsoft' does not exist on StylesPath

Execution stopped with code 1.

i feel this error is related to ".vale.ini" file but i do not know much about this file, this file came under volto repository, i tried running "vale sync" but output was same error.

i just want to run spellcheck and grammer checks. can any one please guide me, there is a rule named "docs-vale" but not able to run this which is :-

.PHONY: docs-vale
docs-vale:  ## Run Vale style, grammar, and spell checks
	vale sync
	vale --no-wrap $(VALEFILES)
	@echo "Vale is finished; look for any errors in the above output."

humble requests for some special attention from @stevepiercy

When your working directory is the root of Volto, make docs-vale executes vale sync, which should download and sync the Microsoft styles into /styles/Microsoft. If you do not see that directory and its contents, then try running vale sync in a terminal session at the root of the project.

Once that is done, then make docs-vale should work.

Please report back. Thank you!

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i throughly studied Structure -, and applied "vale sync", from the reply above i understand idealy after "vale sync" command, there should be a folder named "Microsoft" should be created inside "styles" directory, parallel to "Vocab"
but unfortunately in my local system whenever i am running command command "vale sync", new directory named "Microsoft" is not getting created inside "styles" directory and, on running command "vale sync" output is always :-

E100 [loadStyles] Runtime error

style 'Microsoft' does not exist on StylesPath

Execution stopped with code 1.

and after running command "vale sync", when i run "make docs-vale" it gives output :-

E100 [loadStyles] Runtime error

style 'Microsoft' does not exist on StylesPath

Execution stopped with code 1.
make: *** [Makefile:150: docs-vale] Error 2

but still i have another option to try, i tried quick start from vales documention which is Structure -, and i was successfull in setting up that, it is giving correct output after running command "vale" which is :-
 13:20   warning  'extremely' is a weasel word!  write-good.Weasel    
 15:120  warning  'However' is too wordy.        write-good.TooWordy  
 27:6    error    'is' is repeated!              Vale.Repetition      
 27:6    warning  'is' is repeated!              write-good.Illusions 

✖ 1 error, 3 warnings and 0 suggestions in 1 file.

and it also contains diractory named "Microsoft" already inside "styles", so i can copy the whole "Microsoft" directory from here to the styles folder of volto, so i am waiting for the green flag, if maintainers agree with this then i can proceed with the above plan also, please suggest some better options he anyone have any.
Screenshot from 2023-08-05 14-53-22

waiting for response form @stevepiercy,

That sounds like a good plan. I suspect that your user lacks permissions to create a directory. Check permissions on the root of your local volto repo and for styles, and make sure both directories have read, write, and execute permissions for your user.

I have never experienced what you have experienced setting up Vale. make docs-vale or make vale has worked for me. I'm just making some guesses at this point.

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