How to do Continuous Delivery or Deployment from CI for Collective repositories

With the collective removing administrator rights to repos for users who created the repo, it becomes impossible to setup secrets in GitHub. This seems to make setting up a GitHub action to publish to PyPI using workflow_dispatch, or an action for continuous deployment just as impossible.

Are there any packages in the collective who have a deployment system which incorporates CD or has a method of deployment which is performable without having to perform deployment on a local device? If not, I'd be interested to know if anybody has tried to tackle this another way!

It would be great to be able to make use of GitHub Environments and the workflow_dispatch trigger to allow select collective users to perform a deployment for a specific package :slight_smile:

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Usually the easiest is to file an issue at Issues · collective/Collective · GitHub and ask to get administrator right back for the repository (explaining reason why, like copy from here).

Thanks for the heads up Jens!

Would still be interesting to hear if/ how others are tackling this :slight_smile: