I need to make a custom volto theme add-on for a project but I cant seem to figure out how to actually load the custom theme into plone. I haven't found anything about where the theme directory needs to be nor what I need to do for plone to recognize the theme.
I have tried putting my theme files inside the packages folder of the frontend but that didn't do anything and adding the theme inside the volto.config.js just makes the frontend crash on startup.
Can anyone tell me where I can find that information or show me where I need to put the files?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advanced.
Please give us more context. We don't know what your environment is (OS, Python and other versions), which instructions you tried to follow, nor which commands ran successfully just before the error.
Ah, ok – I've bumped your trust level up now so you should be able to include links in your posts. (We do that because we have had that type of spam from new users).