GSOC 2023 aspirant Intro (Suhaan Bhandary)

Hello Everyone,

My name is Suhaan Bhandary, I am a Third Year Undergraduate student at K. K. Wagh Institute Of Engineering Education And Research, pursuing Computer Engineering.

For the past three years, I've been working in web development, using React on the front end and Node.js and Django on the back end. Also, I am a knight on Leetcode and have solved at least one problem a day on the site and appeared in more than 70 contests: suhaanbhandary1 - LeetCode Profile.

Resume: resume.pdf - Google Drive
Personal Portfolio: Suhaan's Portfolio
Github: Suhaan-Bhandary (Suhaan Bhandary) · GitHub

I have installed both frontend and backend and tried understanding Plone's volto frontend and its components so that I can get an opportunity of working on "Refactor class components to functional Components"

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Hey Everyone,
My name is Harshika Adarsh, and I am currently in my second year of Bachelors of Computer Application.

I have learnt ReactJS, and other development technologies. I have worked for 6 months as a frontend developer at a growing startup, and I have participated in various institution level hackathons. I am currently working on my project for "Solving for India Hackathon", and am learning the technologies of Plone, while looking forward to contribute to the Plone community.