This is one post in a series to begin focused discussion about ideas that came out of our 2018 GSoC Brainstorm.
Please use this post as a place to begin to discuss this idea more in depth.
This idea was suggested by @seanupton, who is also interested in mentoring
The description:
"Support IIIF JSON JSON+HTTP APIs to allow Guillotina to be an IIIF ("triple-eye-eff") compatible image server, which would allow use of compatible clients and viewers serving image scales over JSON API. In addition to providing access to off-the-shelf image viewer (JS), this API has a lot of interest and traction in the digital preservation, library, and archival communities. As a GSoC project, scope would likely be constrained to implementing image upload, scaling features, and required (non-optional) API features such that a standalone JS IIIF viewer application could view images served from a Guillotina-based server (or some middleware-ish translation layer) via AJAX requests for JSON and binary content."
Dive in folks, and make something special of this!