GitHub adds sub-issues and issue types features

These features could be very useful for complex issues, such as PLIPs. They can also be used in GitHub Project Boards and searching for issues.


This is amazing, this will help a lot in the day to day management.

Since the types are per organization, let's consensuate the Issue types that we want to have. I'd keep them simple, then use the labels for the rest of metadata info. By default, there are these types:

  • Bug
  • Feature
  • Task

TBH, I would only add the PLIP type. Although currently we don't have the "task" concept, I think we could make good use of it. What do you think?

@jensens @stevepiercy @pnicolli @tisto @ericof @davisagli @fredvd @pbauer

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I agree on adding a type of PLIP.

A task is routine maintenance, a release, or other non-code writing thingie that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature, such as Curate trainings to retain or remove for 2025 · Issue #906 · plone/training · GitHub and Archive PloneConf 2024, prepare for PloneConf 2025 · Issue #907 · plone/training · GitHub. Tasks are probably not appropriate for first-timers, like PLIPs.

As far as automation, I have installed boring-cyborg in Documentation to fill in the gaps that GitHub Templates don't fill. They complement one another to help automate triage of new issues and pull requests. It's on my todo list for the Volto repo, per the Volto Team meeting last week.

I added the PLIP type to the Plone organization.