Hey community!
It's the end of the Google Summer of Code period and I'm glad to announce we have a working Gatsby plugin with all the planned features implemented. A Gatsby starter was also developed on the side to kickstart development with this plugin.
To those unaware, Gatsby is a static site generator for React which, using the plugin to source its data from a Plone site can generate a static site with features including Navigation, Progressive Web App stanards in a matter of seconds (time depending on the size of the site obviously). Read more about it here.
I'm glad to have been a part of this community for this year's GSoC, even more glad I got to contribute something like this for Open source, it's been a great experience and thank you all!
Also, if anyone wants Gatsby sites setup for their Plone sites or need any developing/designing work for their Gatsby site, I'd be glad to help, do reach out to me at ajay.ns@outlook.com