FWT Meeting minutes 2020-11-24


  • Alessandro Pisa
  • Chrissy Wainwright
  • Eric Steele
  • Maik Derstappen
  • Rodrigo Ferreira de Souza
  • Timo Stollenwerk


We extensively discussed the PLIP 3211 Mocup and resource registry redone trying to find out potential drawbacks for developers, integrators and users.

Some points about the implementation are not clear, but work on that PLIP will happen anyway in the upcoming sprints for Plone 6 classic.

Everybody is invited to continue the discussion on the GitHub issue page.

At the conference there will be the possibility to have open spaces, which might be an opportunity to clarify some aspects of the PLIP.

Next meeting

Next FWT meeting is in three weeks (2020-12-15).