FWT Meeting minutes 2020-04-07


  • Franco
  • Eric
  • Chrissy
  • Timo
  • Maik


PLIP policy for 6.0

Our objective is to be able to release 6.0 as soon as possible. Plone 6.0 will use Volto as the default UI but the current Barceloneta UI will be still available.

Any PLIP for 6.0 involving a change in the UI can be about both Volto and Barceloneta, or it can be about only one of the two but only if it does not break the other one.

Any PLIP covering a single UI implementation and breaking the other one will not be accepted in 6.0.

Reminder about the FWT vote validity

As decided a few years ago, a PLIP is approved when it gets half of the votes of the present FWT members plus one, and 3 is the minimum.

Considering we are 6 FWT members at the moment:

  • When 6 of us are present at the meeting, the needed majority is 4 to approve a PLIP
  • When 5 of us are present at the meeting, the needed majority is 3 to approve a PLIP
  • When 4 of us are present at the meeting, the needed majority is 3 to approve a PLIP
  • And when we are 3 or less, we cannot vote

Next meeting

Next FWT meeting is in two weeks (2020-04-21).