From Plone 3.1.2 to 5.2

ATContentTypes cannot be used on Python 3. You must first go to Plone 5.2 on Python 2.7, start the site, run the upgrades at @@plone-upgrade, then migrate the ATContentTypes content (based on Archetypes) to (based on dexterity). See the documentation, especially the migration part.

Also, the migration docs from Plone 4.x to 5.0 point to a video of a talk “How to upgrade sites to Plone 5” and slides. That could be helpful.

About copy/paste: if the content of your site is only a few pages, then it is probably much easier to start with a fresh and standard Plone 5.2 Python 3 site, and recreate the content manually.

Also, see this current thread about migrating an even older Plone, with alternatives for the in-place migration from above: Migrating ancient Plone 2.1 -> 5.2. What approach would you recommend?