Johannes Raggam
Roel Bruggink
Eric Bréhault
Jens Klein
Ramon Navarro
Franco Pellegrini
##Plone Conference
- organize dinner -> ask eau de web folks (Alec, …) for a location at wednesday at about 7pm.
- invite all former members for dinner. Jens organize the place (need number of participants as well) and writes email to plone dev list,
- organize standup meeting before dinner (like 6pm) and discuss fwt work.
- organize a lightning talk (may be Timo) about fwt work.
##Prepare 5.1
It makes sense to prepare 5.1 because work on PLIPs (like portal skins removal) can’t go into a bugfix release.
- Prepare Infrastructure
- PLIP status worksheet
- 5.1 branch for buildout.coredev, Products.CMFPlone
- Jenkins 5.1 infrastructure
- github auto-label script update (Jens)
- Call for PLIPs
Johannes is taking care to get this done.
##Plone mini Roadmap for 5.1
Collect at least 5 topics, which should make it into Plone 5.1. Topics could make good sprint topics. Finding topic could make a good open space discussion.
Possible topics:
- portal skins removal / clean out (not removing skin functionality)
- login process/forms refactoring
- plone json/rest api
- get rid of patches in Products.PlonePAS, move to originating classes itself
- drop implicit acquisition, switch to explicit acquisition
- CMF* deprecations
##Next meeting
At the Plone Conf!!