Forum/Board extension for Plone

No need to apologize! Your English is far better than my German :smiley:

As @petri says, the built in in Plone lets you set up a forum. Looking around I don't see any good user docs. The package has some more technical info:

Generally what you do is (assuming Plone 5):

  1. go to Site Setup

Now go to a page on your site, e.g. the front page, and at the bottom of each page you will see a set of commenting fields.

Enter a comment (by default they're just plain text but you can change that in the Discussion control panel; email notification and comment moderation are other settings), press Comment button, and then you'll see it's possible to have threaded comments.

Probably the best way to use this feature is not to enable comments on Pages (that was just an example) since every page in your site could be commented on.

Instead create a custom Dexterity content type and enable comments on just that content type

  1. go to Site Setup, click on the Dexterity Content Types control panel

You'll have to configure maybe a different default workflow for Forum Posts so that they're always visible to your logged in site users, or you could activate (in Add-ons control panel) the Placeful Workflow add-on, and then set a policy on the Forum folder so it uses the intranet workflow. More fun.

But definitely doable.

You're free to play with this site, (log in with admin/admin). It is a free Heroku deployed Plone 5 site, which you can create on your own from here: Essayer Plone — Site