First Contributions

Hello, I am Hardik Agarwal undergarduate student at IIT Roorkee. I know Javascript, HTML, CSS and reactjs. Can anyone please help me get started with contributions to the organization?? It would be great help.. Thanks

Hi @hardik-codes and welcome! There is a lot of activity in our Volto (Plone React) project. You can see them in its repos If you haven't already, please see for more hints (from 2018) on how to get started.

How do I go about solving the issues??
Am I supposed to get the issues assigned or I can start working on them directly.

Simply find any issue, fix it on a branch and do a pull request on Github.

You mean I should make a branch to address the issue and after having solved it create a pull request@Rotonen

Correct, and I think you may need to sign the Plone Contributors agreement, at least if working on Plone core packages.

Hello everyone I m akshit I know Django python and worked in other source orgs
I would like to contribute in plone and do gsoc as well please suggest me some good project related to my skills

please review and merge this pr plone/bobtemplates.plone#348