Extending all IDexterityContent to provide a modified date when only a field in the Default fieldset was last modified

When I moved to Dexterity content type system, we noticed that the last modified date as reported in the documentbyline viewlet reports the date the object was modified rather than actual content. For instance, the date is updated even when an Editor toggles on/off the "table_of_contents" setting. I understand that the modified date really is tracking all changes on the Schema, but I want to add another content modified date that only tracks edits on "actual" content. I want to distinguish "actual" content based on it being an update to a field in the "Default" fieldset.

First I looked at behaviors, but I do not want to store this date in another field's storage as described in the docs that I found @ https://docs.plone.org/external/plone.app.dexterity/docs/behaviors/creating-and-registering-behaviors.html.

Then I thought perhaps I shall use the portal_histories tool to parse changes that were made and report the latest changes to a "default fieldset" field or the standard modified date.

Is this even possible, or is there a better solution? Which technique should I use? Does anyone know of any better documentation that might describe how to achieve this seemingly elementary task?

Thanks in advance for any advice.