Example of two clients and a zeo server with a pip installation of Plone 6

/cookiecutter-plone-starter/{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}/backend# make build-dev
+ which python3
++ tput setaf 2
++ tput sgr0
+ echo '==> Create instance configuration'
==> Create instance configuration
+ bin/cookiecutter -f --no-input --config-file instance.yaml gh:plone/cookiecutter-zope-instance
Unable to render variable 'load_zcml'
Error message: 'collections.OrderedDict object' has no attribute 'python_package_name'
Context: {

The problem is that I cannot run make config (same error as above) neither cookiecutter . because it tries to install volto npm packages and the docker instance, while I would like just to install Plone 6 Classic UI locally.

So, is it possible to use https://github.com/collective/cookiecutter-plone-starter to install Plone or the best way is to use a minimal mx.ini as you showed at the PloneConf 2022?

Yes! Just clone it, edit the post hook and comment out the prepare_frontend part, then go to the {{ }} template dir -> backend and in the Makefile comment out the $(FORMAT) part (it is a docker command).

Then run make install-backend and :coffee: wait.


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