Hey, I've got Plone REST API with Plone v6 set up on WSL. I've decided to work on this (Serializer should use plone.app.uuid.utils.uuidToObject · Issue #1448 · plone/plone.restapi · GitHub) issue. The issues says that it passed all the test cases except the ones mentioned in the issue. But when I run test cases in this (plone.restapi/src/plone/restapi/tests at master · plone/plone.restapi · GitHub) directory using 'python -m unittest' I get 1038 cases failed and only 73 as passed. Almost all of them are raising KeyErrors exceptions.
I tried following this link (Contributing to plone.restapi — plone.restapi v8.24.2.dev0) for testing but I don't understand where 'bin/test' is.
Am I testing the wrong way? What am I doing wrong here?