Error while compiling /opt/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-1.2-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test_escape.po

Hi ,

I installed the Plone 5 as instructions : in Debian,

But i got two lines errors when execute command
sudo -u plone_buildout bin/buildout -c develop.cfg :

Error while compiling /opt/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-1.2-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test_escape.po
Error while compiling /opt/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-1.2-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test5.po

gecko@debian:/opt/plone/zinstance$ sudo -u plone_buildout bin/buildout -c develop.cfg

Updating _mr.developer.
Updating instance.
Updating repozo.
Updating backup.
Updating zopepy.
Updating unifiedinstaller.
Updating precompiler.
Compiling Python files.
Compiling locale files.
Error while compiling /opt/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-1.2-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test_escape.po
Error while compiling /opt/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-1.2-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test5.po
Updating setpermissions.
setpermissions: Running # Dummy references to force this to execute after referenced parts
echo /opt/plone/zinstance/var/backups yes > /dev/null
chmod 600 .installed.cfg

Make sure anything we've created in var is r/w by our group

find /opt/plone/zinstance/var -type d -exec chmod 770 {} ; 2> /dev/null
find /opt/plone/zinstance/var -type f -exec chmod 660 {} ; 2> /dev/null
find /opt/plone/zinstance/var -type d -exec chmod 770 {} ; 2> /dev/null
find /opt/plone/zinstance/var -type f -exec chmod 660 {} ; 2> /dev/null
chmod 754 /opt/plone/zinstance/bin/*
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/opt/plone/zinstance/bin/buildout’: Operation not permitted
Updating test.
Updating diazotools.
Updating checkdocs.
Updating mrbob.
Updating releaser.
Versions had to be automatically picked.
The following part definition lists the versions picked:
plone.recipe.command = 1.1
plone.recipe.precompiler = 0.6

Any suggestions to fix it ? Thanks.

You can safely ignore errors on .po files.

What is the second error?

Sorry, I means that i got two line errors.

I had edited my question.

Got it, thanks.

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To elaborate on Kim's answer: the .po files are message translation source files. If the compile is failing for a package you need and a language you need, that's a problem because you wouldn't get those particular message translations. But it would not affect the rest of the build.

In these cases, the translation failures are for test files. No problem!

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