Hi, I'm using Plone 6 with Volto and I've configured the Slate editor as default editor. When I try to create a new page I'm getting the following error
Uncaught Error: [Slate] editor is invalid! You passed: {"children":[],"operations":[],"selection":null,"marks":null,"history":{"undos":[],"redos":[]},"dataTransferFormatsOrder":["application/x-slate-fragment","text/html","files","text/plain"],"dataTransferHandlers":{},"htmlTagsToSlate":{},"uid":"f4bdf843-bec1-4260-9b11-c2b9f102df1b"}
volto-slate is builtin with Volto 17, there's no need to setup anything for it. The volto-slate that ships with volto is at a different version for Volto 17.15.5
I've found the problem. The old volto-slate package was a dependency of @eeacms/volto-cards-block add-on. Removing that add-on from my project everything works.