Error spreadsheet

Dear all,

I am a Brazilian librarian. How are you?

Well, I do not understand Plone at all but I am having a problem and hope someone could help me. A company has developed a timeline and does not work with me anymore. We have already entered all the data, but we can not see the timeline. See the error in the link

Any clue?

Best wishes,

Marília Mello

Find a new company or a new Plone provider..that's how it goes.

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Hi, Marilia. I'm Brazilian too. What is the project about?

Unfortunately the link you sent is inaccessible now. It looks like a URL for website editors so I'd guess it's only accessible inside your office network. Could you please share a screenshot or video of the error?

It might also be useful to have a video showing the procedure to enter the new data. Maybe we help spot a missing comma or other similar unexpected input that the timeline is failing to understand and render.

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Hi Davi!
Could you give me your email so we can talk in Portuguese?