Error accessing management interface and unable to upload files

I am getting the following error while accessing the management interface

We’re sorry, but there seems to be an error…
Here is the full error message:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 172, in transaction_pubevents
  Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 381, in publish_module
  Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 276, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 85, in mapply
  Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 68, in call_object
  Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 333, in __call__
  Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 370, in _bindAndExec
  Module Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile, line 143, in _exec
  Module Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplate, line 81, in pt_render
  Module zope.pagetemplate.pagetemplate, line 133, in pt_render
  Module Products.PageTemplates.engine, line 365, in __call__
  Module, line 176, in render
  Module chameleon.zpt.template, line 302, in render
  Module chameleon.template, line 215, in render
  Module chameleon.utils, line 53, in raise_with_traceback
  Module chameleon.template, line 192, in render
  Module ccf40fdeec5466122ce642975a9a1c16, line 308, in render
  Module Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr, line 49, in __call__
   - __traceback_info__: here.manage_get_sortedObjects(sortkey = skey, revkey = rkey)
  Module PythonExpr, line 1, in <module>
  Module OFS.ObjectManager, line 814, in manage_get_sortedObjects
  Module ZTUtils.Lazy, line 197, in __getitem__
  Module plone.folder.ordered, line 102, in <lambda>
  Module plone.folder.ordered, line 67, in _getOb
AttributeError: 'teacher-ed'

 - Expression: "   obs python: here.manage_get_sortedObjects(sortkey = skey, revkey "
 - Filename:   manage_main
 - Location:   (line 14: col 17)
 - Arguments:  template: <PageTemplateFile at /Plone/main>
               here: <PloneSite at /Plone>
               context: <PloneSite at /Plone>
               container: <PloneSite at /Plone>
               nothing: None
               options: {'args': ()}
               root: <Application at >
               request: <WSGIRequest, URL=https://<site-name>/manage_main>
               modules: <Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr._SecureModuleImporter object at 0x7f0479f9bd90>
               user: <PropertiedUser 'admin'>
               default: <DEFAULT>
               repeat: <Products.PageTemplates.engine.RepeatDictWrapper object at 0x7f046c810ac0>
               loop: {}
               target_language: None
               translate: <function BaseTemplate.render.<locals>.translate at 0x7f046c67fdc0>
               attrs: {'id': 'objectItems', 'name': 'objectItems', 'method': 'post', 'action': 'string:${request/URL1}/'}
               has_order_support: 0
               sm: <AccessControl.ImplC.SecurityManager object at 0x7f046c42a0b0>
               default_sort: 'id'
               skey: 'id'
               rkey: 'asc'
               rkey_alt: 'desc'
               rkey_alt_up: 'DESC'

and the following while trying to upload a file

We’re sorry, but there seems to be an error…
Here is the full error message:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 172, in transaction_pubevents
  Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 381, in publish_module
  Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 276, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 85, in mapply
  Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 68, in call_object
  Module plone.z3cform.layout, line 63, in __call__
  Module plone.z3cform.layout, line 47, in update
  Module plone.dexterity.browser.add, line 137, in update
  Module plone.z3cform.fieldsets.extensible, line 65, in update
  Module plone.z3cform.patch, line 30, in GroupForm_update
  Module, line 145, in update
  Module, line 21, in execute
  Module z3c.form.action, line 98, in execute
  Module z3c.form.button, line 301, in __call__
  Module z3c.form.button, line 159, in __call__
  Module plone.dexterity.browser.add, line 115, in handleAdd
  Module z3c.form.form, line 265, in createAndAdd
  Module plone.dexterity.browser.add, line 90, in add
  Module plone.dexterity.utils, line 171, in addContentToContainer
  Module, line 55, in chooseName
  Module, line 64, in _findUniqueName
  Module, line 104, in do_Plone_check
  Module plone.base.utils, line 473, in check_id
  Module plone.base.utils, line 537, in _check_for_collision
  Module Products.CMFCore.PortalFolder, line 195, in contentIds
  Module Products.CMFCore.PortalFolder, line 188, in contentItems
  Module Products.CMFCore.PortalFolder, line 174, in _filteredItems
  Module plone.folder.ordered, line 67, in _getOb
AttributeError: 'teacher-ed'

This is Plone 6 using dexterity. The issue probably happened after deleting some files. I tried packing the Data.fs file but it didn't help. I am relatively new to Plone and any help to resolve this issue is highly appreciated. Thanks

Did you try to clear and rebuild the catalog? Next time, you can use Undo to undo transactions (such as object deletion).