Email subscription for created news items

I'd like to have a text field in a portlet on the news page where visitors can leave their email address. When I create a news item, a news article should be sent to the subscribers including a link where they can unsubscribe from the news letter.

Is this possible?

EasyNewsletter perhaps?

Thanks, I'll take a look at that.

I had some problems installing EasyNewsletter on Plone 5.0.8.

I got this error when I tried to upgrade plone.protect to the latest version (3.1.3):

Using unpack_wheel() shim over the deprecated wheel_to_egg() hook.
Please update your wheel extension implementation for one that installs a .whl
handler in zc.buildout.easy_install.UNPACKERS

This link had a workaround:

So, for other users with the same problem installing EasyNewsletter:

edit versions.cfg
extensions = buildout.wheel
plone.protect = 3.1.3

edit buildout.cfg
eggs =

sudo systemctl restart plone.service