Doubt regarding cypress tests for "Refactor class components to functional components" project idea for GSOC

Hello everyone :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:,
I'm interested in contributing to Plone for "Refactor class components to functional components" idea.
I have gone through Mastering Plone 6 Development training and Volto codebase.

I have started drafting the proposal for this project, but I have some doubts. @sneridagh, can you please help me with this? In the PLIP of this project, under the Proposal & Implementation section, it's written, "Refactor should be done carefully and providing Cypress (acceptance) tests where they do not exist." According to this, along with refactoring the components, we also have to write Cypress tests of those flow whose tests doesn't exists. But I am facing difficulty in finding which flow does not have its tests written just by looking at all class based components and all previously written cypress tests. I was hoping to add these tests so as to be more explicit about the timeline of when I would be doing which thing.


@jatinkh25 I think what are you asking is out of scope at this point.

Please read carefully: Recommendations for GSoC aspirants

You are not expected to deliver anything before the project is being assigned to you.

The current Cypress tests are in the cypress/tests directory in the Volto repo.

Hello @sneridagh I think I was not able to write what I wanted to convey. I was not talking about writing the code for these tests but I was trying to know what are these tests so that I can mention the tasks in the timeline of GSOC proposal accordingly. Getting to know about the tests would help me get an idea of how much time I need to devote for writing cypress tests. I had seen the tests earlier but was not able to find out which tests were missing.

Sorry for the misconception.

As said, you can find how they are done here:

How to run them:

Thankyou @sneridagh , I will look into it.