Deliberate Obstacles to Installing Plone 5.2.4 on Windows!

Hello to the community

I cannot say enough about my appetite, my preference for the CMS plone compared to other CMS.

I also underline my respect and admiration for the main animators of plone and have always regretted not being able to actively participate in the development of plone, not being a developer myself ...

This preamble being made, why are we deliberately putting obstacles in the way of deploying plone under Windows?

With all due respect for the plone actors, and renewing my gratitude for all those who have always helped me in the community, my question is: what is the point of deliberately "trapping" those who under Windows do the choice against thick and thin to deploy plone at the expense of other CMS?
For a few weeks, a few days, I have presented to the community here the problems to install especially plone on Windows 10.
I just found out at this address that the obstacle was deliberate:

Python 3 Installation & Setup Guide – Real Python

"Limitations of the Microsoft Store Package

The official Python documentation has this to say about the Microsoft Store package:

The Microsoft Store package is an easily installable Python interpreter that is intended mainly for interactive use, for example, by students. (Source)

The key takeaway here is that the Microsoft Store package is “intended mainly for interactive use.” That is, the Microsoft Store package is designed to be used by students and people learning to use Python for the first time.

In addition to targeting beginning Pythonistas, the Microsoft Store package has limitations that make it ill-suited for a professional development environment. In particular, it does not have full write access to shared locations such as TEMP or the registry. "

Why ?

Why not let us simply deploy plone 5.2.4 with a full installation of official python 38, as we did with plone 522 for example?

I went around in circles, messed up a huge mess on my Windows installations.
We will have to, repair now.

This is what inspires me with my discovery.

Once again, thank you anyway, many thanks to everyone who throughout this time has enlightened and encouraged me to persevere in mastering plone.

I will not name names, but they will recognize each other.

From a disappointed plone fan!