Created a new Volto theme! [GSoC' 22]


Hi, all! :wave: GSoC'22 :sun_with_face: is a wrap!!! :partying_face:
The work product for the Create new Volto theme :art: project can be seen here! :sparkles:


The code alongside the documentation is present in three GitHub repositories:

:star2: Main repository

:brick: Generic and reusable blocks

Note: The contains all the information about the features, installation, license, etc.


  • :rocket: Got to experience the open source culture!

  • :people_hugging: Learned how to develop code collaboratively.

  • :student: Absolutely amazing learning experience.

  • :earth_asia: Regularly interacted with experienced mentors from different continents!

Challenges Faced

  1. Estimating efforts and drafting a timeline for new a project, when you don't have much prior experience in Plone and Volto.

    Solution: Breaking features into smaller tasks. And prioritizing the deliverables based on the time taken to develop each feature relative to its importance to the end user of the theme.

  2. The coding period in GSoC is only three months long. Time management can be tricky but it's very important for making the project successful.

    Solution: Setting weekly goals. Have 2-3 tasks to work on, and quickly switch to another task if stuck. Effective communication with the mentors w.r.t. to efforts and availability.


Grateful for the opportunity to contribute to Plone Foundation :blue_heart: under GSoC' 22 :man_technologist:. Within a short period of time, my mentors @nileshgulia1, @tkimnguyen & @jackahl taught me many things that would have taken me a lot of time to learn. :innocent:

It was a great learning experience. :bowing_man: I am looking forward to contributing to the Plone community, beyond GSoC! Thanks, to the community for its continuous support. :smile:


@avimishra18 congrats! My initial impression is that your documentation looks very useful and thorough. I like your summary of the experience, it will be helpful to others undertaking GSoC.

1 Like

I have an idea about Volto theme. Can anyone please tell me if there's any guide on how I can share it with the Plone community? or should I wait till the proposal submission period starts? Thanks😊!

Wait for the accepted orgs to be announced. Then you can discuss your idea in this forum.