Looking at some of the struggles newcomers are having, even when they find our docs they don't know about training.plone.org materials, which is a crying shame.
Could we put something in the TOC of docs.plone.org or maybe in each applicable section of docs.plone.org a link to the relevant training materials?
Check the main navigation of both sites, lower left. I added those Dec 1, 2024.
We also have an open issue to improve the entry point for Documentation.
Regarding the struggling newcomers, I need specifics to take action. Please check the relevant issue tracker first, and create a new issue with sufficient details to take action.
Maybe on each landing page for docs & training we could add a line or paragraph to say something like "you should consult the training documentation for step by step instructions to do various things" (um, wordsmithing that), or vice versa, "you should consult the documentation for supporting information that complements these training materials"
It's generally that they are not finding something they need, but it may not be only that we have things split between training and docs but maybe that something is, in fact, NOT documented because it's too new or hasn't been gotten around to. I don't know if there's a philosophical objection to leaving some stubs in our docs to say "Topic XYZ: yes, we know it's not documented yet, but here's how to ask for help about it." but at least someone looking for information on XYZ would know and wouldn't have to wonder if they had just missed it.
We could consider adding a paragraph to to the homepage where we describe and link to the trainings, and mention these also work as tutorials. (Add content first navigation).
We could also describe docs..plone.org as the concise ‘reference’ documentation on the homepage. I’m not sure if new users are triggered easily only by words like reference vs tutorial vs training. So a description/hints for when to use which type can be helpful there as well.
When you visit docs on mobile, the tutorials are a click and possibly a scroll away. This is on a large iPhone: