When creating a project based on 0.8.3 Cookieplone project template revision (91f7d2b) (before Alpine Sprint) the deployment works finally on Intel target servers. Currently you need to tweak the frontend workflow to work around a corepack issue (see topic: `corepack` problems (specially in CI)) but it generally works building the images and running the Manual Deployment action on github.
Building the images for backend, frontend, varnish works in general for linux/amd64, but the alternate platform images on github have only a second platform with unspecific identifier unknown/unknown.
For the GitHub - kitconcept/cluster-purger: Purge multiple instances of Varnish inside a cluster pbauer managed to get a arm package build as PR with support by kitconcept closing my ticket
There is now a 3rd image for linux/arm64 available under the top tab OS / Arch
But this is not yet reflected in the Cookieplone-template created workflows yet.
I will try to transfer the lines from the PR to the github/workflows and see if this works.