I am searching for a way to enable concurrent editing of a page / simultaneously editing / collaborative editing in really real-time for Plone 5
I 've found
- https://github.com/toutpt/collective.etherpad which is for Plone 4 only
- https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5-design/issues/132 which leads to Letters a Cloud Service
- https://github.com/ggozad/jarn.xmpp.collaboration which I cannot try, because I have no ejabber server and it's pretty old, probably won't install on Plone5
- https://www.zopyx.com/andreas-jung/contents/integration-of-plone-5-with-the-smashdocs-authoring-solution which is also Cloud based and non-free
- http://ladybird.rssing.com/chan-2212308/all_p96.html JC Brand: Collaborative editing of HTML with TinyMCE not going to happen soon
Is there a free, locally hostable variant of collaborative editing a page in really real-time in Plone 5 ?
Maybe a markdown Editor ....