Collective.notifications on Plone 5.2

Does anyone know if collective.notifications is working on Plone 5.2 with Python 2.7 ?

I did try but, it error because of missing 'modules'. (parse, mail, etc).
I could not find any info about requirements.

I think the problem is in

1. import urllib.parse

I think that's the problem because it's incomplete if I'm reading the manual for py27 correctly it should be:

1. from urlparse import urlparse

I'm not the most astute programmer btw, but that's 2ยข.

I fixed url parse with some code from another add-on, but then I got from mail import something).

OCD is a curse..

I was looking your email burping problem and I think its because in there was a line to import a py3 only lib for email.policy.

Anyway, there was a commit 2 hours ago that restores Py27 compatibility. Might want to try it out now and see if it works.

Hi, I had exactly the same problem here on

  • Plone 5.1.6 (5116)
  • CMF 2.2.13
  • Zope 2.13.29
  • Python 2.7.17 (v2.7.17:c2f86d86e6, Oct 19 2019, 21:01:17) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
  • PIL 6.1.0 (Pillow)

First of all, the commit mentionned by @riker11451 fixed the buildout errors, thanks !

But, this done, once in the Site Setup::Add-ons, no trace of "Notifications" (nor "collective.notifications") to activate ? Am I the only one not to find the add-on that should be there then?

Best regards,

As it seemed to be missing a "Docs" directory at the root of the product, adding one (even empty) was enough to make the module appear in the SiteSetup once the buidlout was launched. Resolved.