Collective.geo.bundle problem installing plone5


I have to migrate from plone 4.3.7 to plone 5.0.8

I need to install some eggs but i'm stuck installing this egg: collective.geo.bundle. what should I do?

What error are you seeing? I'm not sure that collective.geo.bundle has been ported to Plone 5.

it has:

I gave it a try on 5.1 latest and there are a few troubles:

Plone Maps (collective.geo)
Extension profile for collective.geo.bundle ā€“ (collective.geo.bundle 2.3)
This product cannot be uninstalled!

Collective Geo Behaviour Dexterity behaviour for collective.geo ā€“ (collective.geo.behaviour 1.2)
This product cannot be uninstalled!

I don't know the reason for these scary-looking messages. I duckduckgoed them and it did not give me back a single squeak.

searching for a location in the control panel actually works but when trying to add one to a document does not, after clicking search the default editing page is displayed.Also it's strange that a page get a coordinates tab while the control panel states that only the comments can have coordinates (???). Also the control panel display is a bit strange with some overlays messed up but that's not a big problem.
I never tried to use this app so I may have missed something.

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When i write in the buildout.cfg
eggs = collective.geo.bundle

the compiler gives me thise error:

Installing instance.
Getting distribution for 'geopy>=0.98'.
Error: Wheels are not supported

How should i do without installing geopy trougth pip?


I installed the extension in
extensions = buildout.wheel

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Well buildout.wheel is new to me but really great to know about!

after the first buildout i had to comment the line i added because it gave me an error but the wheeel were installed.