Chat product to Zope5

Could you tell me if there is a zope product allowing to integrate a Chat?
Despite my research I did not find anything conclusive!
thank you

Hi @airod,

I maybe missed a couple of chat products in the very early time of Zope, but I am not aware that I came across a maintained one in the last years since I started contributing to the Zope projects.

There are a couple of really nice chat applications out there - which have nothing to do with Zope ... e.g. for work we use RocketChat and most open source projects nowadays have a Discord server - e.g. for tox that's

Hey @airod,

Long-time Zope user here.

Just to say, I wouldn't expect the still-greatest, Swiss-army-knife, Python framework to also provide what is in 2021 essentially a front-end, JavaScript-based, client-side - if not peer-to-peer - experience. If, by "integrate", you mean can you embed a chat script/iframe in a web page served by Zope, of course you can.

Hope that helps.


Once there was a time, when everyone tried to integrate every external service somehow into Plone.
A chat here, an iframe there...fortunately, these times are over and Plone is what it is: a CMS and not a integration platform all various external services. Long story short: every external chat solution is better than everything that ever existed in Plone. So use the related dedicated chat clients for whatever chat system you pick up.

ok, but i don't quite understand.
I do not use Plone but directly Zope5. I just wanted to know if Zope Products (or plone compatible with Zope) exist.
I do indeed prefer to use zope / plone products, rather than using an iframe, or other workaround.
Thank you

sorry, context is Zope obviously, not Plone :slight_smile: mea culpa

This is for Plone but it might help GitHub - collective/collective.converse: XMPP and Converse.js integration into Plone